



Time Required

                          8 minutes            



  • Base
  • 4 steps
  • Power Cord
  • 4 steps



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What you need

Step 1

  • This is what the bottom cover will look like. Flip the Brew Station upside down to easily access the screws.

This is what the bottom cover will look like. Flip the Brew Station upside down to easily access the screws.


Step 2

  • Using the Philips 2 Screwdriver, unscrew the three 8-mm screws labeled in a red outline.
  • Using the Crown Bolt #8 Steel Spanner, unscrew the two 8-mm screws labeled in a orange outline.

Using the Philips 2 Screwdriver, unscrew the three 8-mm screws labeled in a red outline.

Using the Crown Bolt #8 Steel Spanner, unscrew the two 8-mm screws labeled in a orange outline.

Step 3

  • Carefully slide off the bottom drip tray by sliding it out away from the Brew Station.

Carefully slide off the bottom drip tray by sliding it out away from the Brew Station.

Step 4

  • Gently lift the base away from the Brew Station.

Gently lift the base away from the Brew Station.

Step 5

              Power Cord               
  • Using the Philips 2 Screwdriver, unscrew the two 8-mm screws labeled in a red outline.

Using the Philips 2 Screwdriver, unscrew the two 8-mm screws labeled in a red outline.

Step 6

  • Using the Philips 2 Screwdriver, unscrew the two 8-mm screws labeled in a red outline. This will release the bracket that is holding down the large piece in the middle.

Using the Philips 2 Screwdriver, unscrew the two 8-mm screws labeled in a red outline. This will release the bracket that is holding down the large piece in the middle.

Step 7

  • Using one hand, gently lift the large silver piece out of the base.
  • The silver piece will still be connected to the Brew Station, so handy it with care.
  • Using the Philips 2 Screwdriver, unscrew the two 8-mm screws labeled in a red outline.

Using one hand, gently lift the large silver piece out of the base.

The silver piece will still be connected to the Brew Station, so handy it with care.

Step 8

  • Once the screw is out, gently lift the white circuit board out of the base. This will be where the power cord begins, so you will now have access to the full length of the cord.

Once the screw is out, gently lift the white circuit board out of the base. This will be where the power cord begins, so you will now have access to the full length of the cord.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                                                                                      One other person completed this guide.                                             


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                    Michael Damico                     

Member since: 02/10/2016

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                       USF Tampa, Team 14-1, Lacy Spring 2016                        

                                                  Member of USF Tampa, Team 14-1, Lacy Spring 2016 


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