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2 hours
- How to Clean and Sterilize a Hairbrush
- 4 steps
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Step 1
How to Clean and Sterilize a Hairbrush
- Remove the built-up hair from the brush by inserting the comb into one side of the bristles and pulling up.
- If you do not have a comb a fork will also work to pull out the built-up hair.
- You may need to repeat this step a few times in order to remove all of the hair.
- Do not move on to step two until all of the hair is removed from the brush, the process will not work if all of the hair is not removed
Remove the built-up hair from the brush by inserting the comb into one side of the bristles and pulling up.
If you do not have a comb a fork will also work to pull out the built-up hair.
You may need to repeat this step a few times in order to remove all of the hair.
Do not move on to step two until all of the hair is removed from the brush, the process will not work if all of the hair is not removed
Step 2
- Dampen the bristles of the brush with warm water
- Add a few drops of soap to the bristles
- Shampoo, detergent, body wash or any other type of cleanser can also be used in place of soap as long it is not harmful to the body.
- Work the soap into the brush using your fingers to massage the bristles
- This will help to remove any dirt and grime that has built up
- Thoroughly rinse the brush in warm running water
- Repeat the entirety of this step if the brush does not appear completely clean.
Dampen the bristles of the brush with warm water
Add a few drops of soap to the bristles
Shampoo, detergent, body wash or any other type of cleanser can also be used in place of soap as long it is not harmful to the body.
Work the soap into the brush using your fingers to massage the bristles
This will help to remove any dirt and grime that has built up
Thoroughly rinse the brush in warm running water
Repeat the entirety of this step if the brush does not appear completely clean.
Step 3
- Set the brush aside and fill the large bowl with hot water
- The bathroom sink can be used in place of the bowl
- Add ½ cup of white vinegar to the bowl of water
- The vinegar will work to remove any germs and bacteria from the brush
- 1/4th cup of ammonia can be used in place of the vinegar or 1/4th ounce of tea tree oil which is a very effective natural sterilizer for hairbrushes 3b. Place the brush into the large bowl with the bristles facing down and let soak for 30 minutes
- Place the brush into the large bowl with the bristles facing down and let soak for 30 minutes
- DO NOT exceed the thirty-minute soak time, allowing the brush to soak for longer can cause damage to the rubber cushions
Set the brush aside and fill the large bowl with hot water
The bathroom sink can be used in place of the bowl
Add ½ cup of white vinegar to the bowl of water
The vinegar will work to remove any germs and bacteria from the brush
1/4th cup of ammonia can be used in place of the vinegar or 1/4th ounce of tea tree oil which is a very effective natural sterilizer for hairbrushes 3b. Place the brush into the large bowl with the bristles facing down and let soak for 30 minutes
Place the brush into the large bowl with the bristles facing down and let soak for 30 minutes
DO NOT exceed the thirty-minute soak time, allowing the brush to soak for longer can cause damage to the rubber cushions
Step 4
- Remove the brush from the bowl and shake it to remove any excess water
- Place the brush on the towel bristles down and allow the brush to air dry
- It will take approximately one hour for the brush to dry, once the brush is dry it is ready to be used again
- Remember to wash the bowl thoroughly after removing the brush
Remove the brush from the bowl and shake it to remove any excess water
Place the brush on the towel bristles down and allow the brush to air dry
It will take approximately one hour for the brush to dry, once the brush is dry it is ready to be used again
Remember to wash the bowl thoroughly after removing the brush
This process should be repeated once a month in order to keep the brush in good condition and keep any dirt and grime build up from being transferred onto your hair .
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Delanie Clark
Member since: 12/05/2019
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1 Guide authored