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- How to clean the SAECO Incanto SBS Spout
- 4 steps
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Step 1
How to clean the SAECO Incanto SBS Spout
- Remove the spout by pressing the button on top and sliding it towards you.
- Unscrew the two PH#1 screws on the back of the spout.
- The spout halves should now separate easily but light prying might be necessary.
Remove the spout by pressing the button on top and sliding it towards you.
Unscrew the two PH#1 screws on the back of the spout.
The spout halves should now separate easily but light prying might be necessary.
Step 2
- Remove the spring of the pushbutton. Relaese the Button and remove the black insert off the cup filler.
- Push off the metal chrome part.
- Clean it with a small brush and rinse it under water.
Remove the spring of the pushbutton. Relaese the Button and remove the black insert off the cup filler.
Push off the metal chrome part.
Clean it with a small brush and rinse it under water.
Step 3
- Reinstall the metal part on the back cup filler part then insert the black piece.
- Hold up the black part a little for pushing in the Button.
- Then click it trogether and push in the spring.
Reinstall the metal part on the back cup filler part then insert the black piece.
Hold up the black part a little for pushing in the Button.
Then click it trogether and push in the spring.
Step 4
- Click it together, put in the two screws and you are done. :)
Click it together, put in the two screws and you are done. :)
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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