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- How to Clear a Clog in a Keurig K-Mini
- 5 steps
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Step 1
How to Clear a Clog in a Keurig K-Mini
- Unplug the Keurig from the power source.
- Lift the handle and locate the pod holder.
Unplug the Keurig from the power source.
Lift the handle and locate the pod holder.
Step 2
- Remove the pod holder from the Keurig.
Remove the pod holder from the Keurig.
Step 3
- Separate the two pieces of the pod holder.
- Run the pieces under hot water to loosen any potential debris.
- After rinsing, pat dry.
Separate the two pieces of the pod holder.
Run the pieces under hot water to loosen any potential debris.
After rinsing, pat dry.
Step 4
- Using a sharp tool, such as a toothpick, thumbtack, or needle, wiggle the tool around the exit needle.
- Any debris that is stuck should come loose.
Using a sharp tool, such as a toothpick, thumbtack, or needle, wiggle the tool around the exit needle.
Any debris that is stuck should come loose.
Step 5
- Use caution when searching for the entrance needle on the underside of the brewer head.
- Carefully use the sharp tool to push into the hollow needle.
- Wiggle the tool around as needed until the blockage is removed.
- Reassemble the Keurig and plug into the power source. Turn on the machine.
Use caution when searching for the entrance needle on the underside of the brewer head.
Carefully use the sharp tool to push into the hollow needle.
Wiggle the tool around as needed until the blockage is removed.
Reassemble the Keurig and plug into the power source. Turn on the machine.
Run the machine on the largest cup setting while leaving the pod holder empty. This will show if the blockage has been removed, or if the process will need to be repeated to loosen the blockage. Potential blockages may also be removed during this cycle.
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Maureen Isbell
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Northern Arizona University, Team S1-G5, Konrad Spring 2021
Member of Northern Arizona University, Team S1-G5, Konrad Spring 2021
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