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- How to empty and clean Rival 16131 Toaster crumb tray
- 3 steps
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Step 1
How to empty and clean Rival 16131 Toaster crumb tray
- To open the crumb tray, pinch the lever in the photo.
- If the lever does not keep the the crumb tray closed, stretch the lever so that to make sure the two horizontal pieces are aligned.
To open the crumb tray, pinch the lever in the photo.
If the lever does not keep the the crumb tray closed, stretch the lever so that to make sure the two horizontal pieces are aligned.
Step 2
- Now that the tray is exposed, it is possible to clean the face here.
- Try to not let water get into the toaster as this may damage the heating coil.
- If the tray can not be cleaned simply by opening it, keep going through the guide to fully remove it.
Now that the tray is exposed, it is possible to clean the face here.
Try to not let water get into the toaster as this may damage the heating coil.
If the tray can not be cleaned simply by opening it, keep going through the guide to fully remove it.
Step 3
- To remove the tray, the metal hinges must be bent up.
- While applying pressure to the bottom of the toaster, use pliers or tweezers to bend up the bracket. The pressure applied to the bottom of the toaster should be just enough to allow the bracket to swing up.
- Remove the tray and clean.
To remove the tray, the metal hinges must be bent up.
While applying pressure to the bottom of the toaster, use pliers or tweezers to bend up the bracket. The pressure applied to the bottom of the toaster should be just enough to allow the bracket to swing up.
Remove the tray and clean.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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Cal Poly, Team 2-8, Propen Fall 2012
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