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                          30 minutes - 1 hour            



  • How to Fix a Crack in a Hollow Wood Door
  • 9 steps



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What you need

Step 1

              How to Fix a Crack in a Hollow Wood Door               
  • Clean and dust the affected area with a paper towel, rag, or brush.

Clean and dust the affected area with a paper towel, rag, or brush.


Step 2

  • Sand the affected area with a 60/80 grit sanding sponge.
  • Any type of sand paper or sanding sponge will work on wood surfaces.
  • It is recommended to place newspaper under the door to keep the sand/dust contained.

Sand the affected area with a 60/80 grit sanding sponge.

Any type of sand paper or sanding sponge will work on wood surfaces.

It is recommended to place newspaper under the door to keep the sand/dust contained.

Step 3

  • Remove any sand/dust with a paper towel.
  • It is recommend to use gloves to prevent any minor splinters.
  • It is also recommended to use a face mask to prevent inhaling any dust/sand.

Remove any sand/dust with a paper towel.

It is recommend to use gloves to prevent any minor splinters.

It is also recommended to use a face mask to prevent inhaling any dust/sand.

Step 4

  • Use putty knife to apply body filler until an even layer is formed.
  • Start with a small amount and then add more if needed.
  • A smaller putty knife allows for easier application in creases and folds.

Use putty knife to apply body filler until an even layer is formed.

Start with a small amount and then add more if needed.

A smaller putty knife allows for easier application in creases and folds.

Step 5

  • Remove any excess body filler with putty knife
  • Its okay if the surface is uneven, you will use sandpaper to smooth the surface in a later step.

Remove any excess body filler with putty knife

Its okay if the surface is uneven, you will use sandpaper to smooth the surface in a later step.

Step 6

  • Allow to dry (or use a blow dryer for lesser wait time).
  • More expensive brands of body filler will dry faster.

Allow to dry (or use a blow dryer for lesser wait time).

More expensive brands of body filler will dry faster.

Step 7

  • Gently sand the surface.
  • Gloves and a face mask are highly recommended but not required for this step.
  • Newspaper is also recommended to contain any sand/dust.
  • Reapply body filler, allow to dry, and re-sand if surface remains uneven.

Gently sand the surface.

Gloves and a face mask are highly recommended but not required for this step.

Newspaper is also recommended to contain any sand/dust.

Reapply body filler, allow to dry, and re-sand if surface remains uneven.

Step 8

  • Use a similar toned paint to paint the area if any discoloration exists.
  • Wood paint is ideal for wood doors.

Use a similar toned paint to paint the area if any discoloration exists.

Wood paint is ideal for wood doors.

Step 9

  • Allow to dry.
  • Your door should now look neutral and clean.
  • A blow dryer is recommended for faster drying.

Allow to dry.

Your door should now look neutral and clean.

A blow dryer is recommended for faster drying.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                       USF Sarasota-Manatee, Team S1-G1, Stewart Spring 2019                        

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