If you encounter this error in Microsoft Windows, review the sections below for troubleshooting options.
Microsoft Money users
If you are encountering this error with Microsoft Money, follow the steps below for your version of Windows.
Microsoft Windows Vista and later
- Open the Windows command line.
- In the command prompt window, type regsvr32 rsabase.dll and press Enter.
- After the registration is completed, run Microsoft Money to see if this issue is resolved.
If you continue to experience the same errors, repeat the above steps. However, replace the rsabase.dll file with the files listed below until the issue is resolved.
- cryptdlg.dll
- dssenh.dll
- gpkcsp.dll
- initpki.dll
- rsaenh.dll
- sccbase.dll
- slbcsp.dll
- softpub.dll
- wintrust.dll
Microsoft Windows XP and earlier
- Close any open program windows, including Microsoft Money.
- Click Start and then Run.
- In the Run text box, type regsvr32 rsabase.dll and press Enter.
- After the registration is completed, run Microsoft Money to see if this issue is resolved.
Users encountering this error while on the Internet
If you encounter this error while using a browser, such as Internet Explorer, it may be caused by a third-party plug-in or spyware.
If you are using Internet Explorer, try each of the suggestions found on our Internet Explorer troubleshooting page.
- Basic Microsoft Internet Explorer troubleshooting.
If you are using any other browser, make sure all add-ons, plug-ins, or other software associated with the program is up-to-date or uninstalled.
Other software program calling a pure virtual function
If you are receiving this error in another software program, check if any updates are available and make sure additional software add-ons are uninstalled. If you continue to experience issues, contact the developer of that software program for a solution or workaround.
If you are the developer of a software program generating this error, see KB125749 for additional information and suggestions.
Related information
- How to fix Windows runtime errors.
- Microsoft Windows help and support.