



Time Required

                          30 minutes - 1 hour            



  • Horizontal Blind Slat
  • 10 steps



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Before using this guide, determine how many replacement slats you have. Typically, each set of blinds comes with multiple unused replacements that reside near its bottom rail. Next, determine which blind slats need replacing, starting at the highest one. Step 3 will require you to start at the highest damaged slat as starting anywhere else will result in extra work for you.

Check out this video linked below that serves as a good example:

How to Replace a Blind Slat

What you need

Step 1

              Horizontal Blind Slat               
  • Using the 7/32" flathead screwdriver, gently lift up the buttons located on the bottom rail of the blinds.
  • Make sure to be careful when lifting the bottom buttons to avoid injury and button damage.

Using the 7/32" flathead screwdriver, gently lift up the buttons located on the bottom rail of the blinds.

Make sure to be careful when lifting the bottom buttons to avoid injury and button damage.


Step 2

  • Remove the bottom rail buttons to expose knots at the end of the lifting cords.
  • Untie the knots.

Remove the bottom rail buttons to expose knots at the end of the lifting cords.

Untie the knots.

Step 3

  • Start at the highest damaged slat.
  • Begin pulling the lifting cords up through the route holes of all the following blind slats.
  • If you don’t start from the highest slat, it will result in you doing way more work than you have to.

Start at the highest damaged slat.

Begin pulling the lifting cords up through the route holes of all the following blind slats.

If you don’t start from the highest slat, it will result in you doing way more work than you have to.

Step 4

  • Again, start with the highest slat.
  • Begin removing the broken slat(s) from in between the ladder strings.

Again, start with the highest slat.

Begin removing the broken slat(s) from in between the ladder strings.

Step 5

  • Slide in the replacement slat(s).
  • Be sure the slat(s) sits in place upon the rungs of the ladder strings.

Slide in the replacement slat(s).

Be sure the slat(s) sits in place upon the rungs of the ladder strings.

Step 6

  • With the new replacement slats in place, begin at the highest slat.
  • Create a loop with the lifting cords.
  • Slide the loop through each routing hole on the same side of all the slats.
  • Repeat this step on the other side, and in the middle if your blinds have three routing holes.

With the new replacement slats in place, begin at the highest slat.

Create a loop with the lifting cords.

Slide the loop through each routing hole on the same side of all the slats.

Repeat this step on the other side, and in the middle if your blinds have three routing holes.

Step 7

  • Once you reach the bottom slat, thread the lifting cords back through the bottom rail.
  • Make sure the lifting cords are even in length and the bottom rail is aligned straight horizontally.

Once you reach the bottom slat, thread the lifting cords back through the bottom rail.

Make sure the lifting cords are even in length and the bottom rail is aligned straight horizontally.

Step 8

  • Use the 7/32" flathead screwdriver to push the excess lifting cords into the bottom rail holes.
  • Slide the buttons back over the ends of the cords.
  • At each bottom rail button, double knot the lifting cords.

Use the 7/32" flathead screwdriver to push the excess lifting cords into the bottom rail holes.

Slide the buttons back over the ends of the cords.

At each bottom rail button, double knot the lifting cords.

Step 9

  • Plug the buttons back into the bottom rail.

Plug the buttons back into the bottom rail.

Step 10

  • Lastly, gently hammer the bottom rail buttons with the handle of the 7/32" flathead screwdriver to ensure the button is securely fastened.

Lastly, gently hammer the bottom rail buttons with the handle of the 7/32" flathead screwdriver to ensure the button is securely fastened.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                    Jazmine Atkins                     

Member since: 01/25/2020

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                       USF Sarasota-Manatee, Team S1-G1, Stewart Spring 2020                        

                                                  Member of USF Sarasota-Manatee, Team S1-G1, Stewart Spring 2020 


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