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  • How to Replace the Back Cover Adhesive (Frame First)
  • 6 steps


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To determine where you first apply the adhesive, match the contours of the adhesive on the clear side with the back cover and the frame. If your adhesive strip matches the bottom cover, follow this guide instead.

The frame-first adhesive tends to have screw holes in the colored lining.

This guide is applicable for all Galaxy S20 devices.

What you need

Step 1

              Remove the remaining adhesive               
  • If you’re re-using your frame, remove the remaining adhesive.
  • Apply heat if you’re having trouble separating the adhesive.
  • Repeat the same procedure for any remaining adhesive on the back cover.

If you’re re-using your frame, remove the remaining adhesive.

Apply heat if you’re having trouble separating the adhesive.

Repeat the same procedure for any remaining adhesive on the back cover.


Step 2

  • Before removing any liners, position the adhesive strip with the clear liner facing down over the frame to find the proper orientation.
  • You can use the rear camera cutout as a reference point.
  • If the adhesive matches the back cover instead of the frame, follow this cover-first adhesive guide.

Before removing any liners, position the adhesive strip with the clear liner facing down over the frame to find the proper orientation.

You can use the rear camera cutout as a reference point.

If the adhesive matches the back cover instead of the frame, follow this cover-first adhesive guide.

Step 3

              Expose the adhesive               
  • Peel the clear liner off of the adhesive strip to expose the adhesive.

Peel the clear liner off of the adhesive strip to expose the adhesive.

Step 4

              Align the adhesive               
  • Be very careful with this step, as misaligning the adhesive can cause it to peek out of the phone during reassembly, leading to an improper seal.
  • The adhesive is very sticky! Be careful with alignment, as you won’t be able to reposition the adhesive once it sticks.
  • Carefully align the sticky side of the adhesive over the edges of the frame.
  • You can use the screw holes to help line up the adhesive.
  • Press down on the perimeter of the adhesive strip to bond it to the frame.

Be very careful with this step, as misaligning the adhesive can cause it to peek out of the phone during reassembly, leading to an improper seal.

The adhesive is very sticky! Be careful with alignment, as you won’t be able to reposition the adhesive once it sticks.

Carefully align the sticky side of the adhesive over the edges of the frame.

You can use the screw holes to help line up the adhesive.

Press down on the perimeter of the adhesive strip to bond it to the frame.

Step 5

  • Peel off the colored liner from the adhesive strip to expose the opposite side of the adhesive.

Peel off the colored liner from the adhesive strip to expose the opposite side of the adhesive.

Step 6

  • This is a good point to power on your phone and test all functions before sealing it up. Be sure to power your phone back down completely before you continue working.
  • Align the back cover with its original position on the frame.
  • Press down on the perimeter of the adhesive to bond the adhesive to the back cover.
  • To ensure a good seal, apply constant pressure to the back cover with a flat, heavy object. A hefty book works well.
  • If a substantial gap remains, try squeezing the gap with your fingers but don’t force it. Pry the back cover off and check for any surface irregularities, such as unseated connectors or loose and jutting screws.

This is a good point to power on your phone and test all functions before sealing it up. Be sure to power your phone back down completely before you continue working.

Align the back cover with its original position on the frame.

Press down on the perimeter of the adhesive to bond the adhesive to the back cover.

To ensure a good seal, apply constant pressure to the back cover with a flat, heavy object. A hefty book works well.

If a substantial gap remains, try squeezing the gap with your fingers but don’t force it. Pry the back cover off and check for any surface irregularities, such as unseated connectors or loose and jutting screws.

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