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- How to Unclog a Toilet
- 8 steps
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Step 1
How to Unclog a Toilet
- Before you begin, make sure to use the correct type of plunger:
- A proper toilet plunger has a funnel-shaped flange extending from the bottom of the rubber cup.
- A sink plunger just uses a rubber cup, which doesn’t form a tight seal inside the toilet bowl.
Before you begin, make sure to use the correct type of plunger:
A proper toilet plunger has a funnel-shaped flange extending from the bottom of the rubber cup.
A sink plunger just uses a rubber cup, which doesn’t form a tight seal inside the toilet bowl.
Step 2
- Do not try to continuously flush a clogged toilet. This will likely result in an overflowing toilet bowl.
Do not try to continuously flush a clogged toilet. This will likely result in an overflowing toilet bowl.
Step 3
- If need be, use a pitcher or a cup to add more water to the toilet bowl so that the water level is about half-way full.
- You’ll want to add enough water so that the outer lip of the toilet plunger’s rubber cup is completely submerged in order to create a tight seal.
If need be, use a pitcher or a cup to add more water to the toilet bowl so that the water level is about half-way full.
You’ll want to add enough water so that the outer lip of the toilet plunger’s rubber cup is completely submerged in order to create a tight seal.
Step 4
- Insert the toilet plunger into the toilet bowl, making sure that the narrow bell-shaped flange at the end of the plunger is inserted into the drain at the bottom of the toilet bowl.
- Once inserted, twist the plunger back and forth a couple of times to make sure it’s firmly seated at the bottom of the toilet bowl.
Insert the toilet plunger into the toilet bowl, making sure that the narrow bell-shaped flange at the end of the plunger is inserted into the drain at the bottom of the toilet bowl.
Once inserted, twist the plunger back and forth a couple of times to make sure it’s firmly seated at the bottom of the toilet bowl.
Step 5
- Start by slowly pushing down on the plunger. The inside of the plunger is full of air at first, so a quick downward thrust initially will push that air out quickly and splash water all over you and your bathroom.
- If the plunger feels a bit stiff, you can run it under hot water to loosen up the rubber.
Start by slowly pushing down on the plunger. The inside of the plunger is full of air at first, so a quick downward thrust initially will push that air out quickly and splash water all over you and your bathroom.
If the plunger feels a bit stiff, you can run it under hot water to loosen up the rubber.
Step 6
- After making the initial plunge, the plunger should now be completely sealed around the toilet bowl’s drain.
- Next, vigourously force the plunger up and down several times, making sure to keep the plunger sealed to the bottom of the toilet bowl.
- This method forces water in the drain to push and pull in both directions, eventually loosening the stuck material and unclogging the toilet.
- After several thrusts, remove the plunger and repeat steps 5 and 6 until the toilet bowl drain clears.
After making the initial plunge, the plunger should now be completely sealed around the toilet bowl’s drain.
Next, vigourously force the plunger up and down several times, making sure to keep the plunger sealed to the bottom of the toilet bowl.
This method forces water in the drain to push and pull in both directions, eventually loosening the stuck material and unclogging the toilet.
After several thrusts, remove the plunger and repeat steps 5 and 6 until the toilet bowl drain clears.
Step 7
- Once the toilet is unclogged, give the toilet a victory flush to clear out any residual matter left over from the clog.
Once the toilet is unclogged, give the toilet a victory flush to clear out any residual matter left over from the clog.
Step 8
- There may be times when a plunger just doesn’t get the job done. In that case, a toilet auger may be more useful and persuasive.
There may be times when a plunger just doesn’t get the job done. In that case, a toilet auger may be more useful and persuasive.
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Craig Lloyd
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