Time Required
15 - 20 minutes
- K-cup holder
- 4 steps
- Top
- 5 steps
- Top Needle
- 2 steps
- Arm
- 4 steps
- How to unclog the Keurig Mini B-31 Drain
- 1 step
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What you need
Step 1
K-cup holder
- Lift up the handle of the Keurig Mini.
Lift up the handle of the Keurig Mini.
Step 2
- Make sure to avoid the needles above and inside the K-cup because may puncture your hand
- Firmly place a finger on each one of the three tabs that hold the K-cup holder into place, pushing in lightly. The tabs are difficult to see, but they are there and will make the removal easier. The top tab is located in the same location as the white triangle and the bottom two are located under the plastic bumps highlighted in the picture.
Make sure to avoid the needles above and inside the K-cup because may puncture your hand
Firmly place a finger on each one of the three tabs that hold the K-cup holder into place, pushing in lightly. The tabs are difficult to see, but they are there and will make the removal easier. The top tab is located in the same location as the white triangle and the bottom two are located under the plastic bumps highlighted in the picture.
Step 3
- Firmly rock the K-cup holder from side to side, loosening the K-cup holder from its seat.
Firmly rock the K-cup holder from side to side, loosening the K-cup holder from its seat.
Step 4
- Pull the K-cup holder straight out.
Pull the K-cup holder straight out.
Step 5
- Open the top lid of the Keurig.
- Pull directly outwards on one of the arms that holds the top lid in place. It will take some force to get the arm off the peg. Once one side is off, repeat the process on the second arm.
Open the top lid of the Keurig.
Pull directly outwards on one of the arms that holds the top lid in place. It will take some force to get the arm off the peg. Once one side is off, repeat the process on the second arm.
Step 6
- Lay the Keurig on its back with the water reservoir pointing away from you.
Lay the Keurig on its back with the water reservoir pointing away from you.
Step 7
- Avoid the top needle as it may puncture your hand.
- Unscrew the two 9mm #1 Philips screws that hold the top plastic cover in place.
Avoid the top needle as it may puncture your hand.
Unscrew the two 9mm #1 Philips screws that hold the top plastic cover in place.
Step 8
- Set the Keurig in an upright position with the front side facing you.
- Pull the cover off the top of the Keurig. It should come off easily with little force.
Set the Keurig in an upright position with the front side facing you.
Pull the cover off the top of the Keurig. It should come off easily with little force.
Step 9
- Firmly grasp the hose and pull it off of the plastic nozzle.
Firmly grasp the hose and pull it off of the plastic nozzle.
Step 10
Top Needle
- Unscrew the two 9 mm #1 Philips screws at the top of the device.
Unscrew the two 9 mm #1 Philips screws at the top of the device.
Step 11
- Push down lightly on the nozzle that the hose was attached to. The plastic housing along with the needle should pop off without much force.
Push down lightly on the nozzle that the hose was attached to. The plastic housing along with the needle should pop off without much force.
Step 12
- With the needle removed, open the device by pulling up on the handle.
With the needle removed, open the device by pulling up on the handle.
Step 13
- Push in on one of the arms attached to the K-cup holder plastic housing to remove it from its rails. The arms are identical for both sides so once one side is free repeat the process for the second side.
- The plastic is flexible and will not snap with the force applied.
- Once the arms are removed, the configuration should look like the picture. The K-cup holder housing should be separated from the arms.
Push in on one of the arms attached to the K-cup holder plastic housing to remove it from its rails. The arms are identical for both sides so once one side is free repeat the process for the second side.
The plastic is flexible and will not snap with the force applied.
Once the arms are removed, the configuration should look like the picture. The K-cup holder housing should be separated from the arms.
Step 14
- Use a Phillips #1 screw driver to remove the four 12 mm screws that hold the arm assembly in place.
Use a Phillips #1 screw driver to remove the four 12 mm screws that hold the arm assembly in place.
Step 15
- Lift up the arm and pull up the handle assembly. It should easily come off.
- This white tab falls off easily, remove it and set it aside to ensure it is not lost.
Lift up the arm and pull up the handle assembly. It should easily come off.
This white tab falls off easily, remove it and set it aside to ensure it is not lost.
Step 16
How to unclog the Keurig Mini B-31 Drain
- Lift up the top arm assembly to get it out of the way. Once it is out of the way, clear out any obstructions in the drain.
- Use your finger or a slender object to clean the drain. Avoid pushing material further down the drain as that may cause obstructions deeper in the system.
Lift up the top arm assembly to get it out of the way. Once it is out of the way, clear out any obstructions in the drain.
Use your finger or a slender object to clean the drain. Avoid pushing material further down the drain as that may cause obstructions deeper in the system.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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Andrew Adriance
Member since: 01/14/2014
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Cal Poly, Team 17-1, Forte Winter 2014
Member of Cal Poly, Team 17-1, Forte Winter 2014
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17 Guides authored
sue allen - Jan 3, 2016
I wish i would have checked the needle first because that is where mine was clogged…then i wouldn’t have had to do all those steps…but the instructions here were very good..thank you…
janpini - Apr 15, 2016
For me too the problem was that the needle that punctures the pod was clogged. Maybe add to check that first and avoid taking everything apart. Great instructions though.
lauragriffin76 - Sep 25, 2016
This helped a lot. I used a large syringe. We used to raise birds & had a variety of sizes. Put the syringe on the tube & pulled several times.Seemed to free any clog at the very bottom. Put back together & it’s working now.but I notice sprinkles of water as is heats up now. Just need to figure what could be causing this.
godschapis - Sep 29, 2016
So my keurig was not clogged. BUT. After taking it apart and putting it back together, it works now! #sweetcaffeinatedvictory
ebelaine52 - Jun 7, 2017
This was very helpful. My Keurig is working again. Thanks.