Time Required
30 minutes
- Keyboard and Touchpad
- 5 steps
- Speaker
- 2 steps
- Battery
- 3 steps
- Bluetooth and Wireless Card
- 3 steps
- Fan
- 2 steps
- Motherboard
- 3 steps
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What you need
Step 1
Keyboard and Touchpad
- The yellow circle represents the rubber covering that protects the screw. And the red circle represents the screws.
- Flip the laptop such that the base of the laptop should face you. Remove the rubber covering with help of any sharp pointed object and then unscrew the screw.
The yellow circle represents the rubber covering that protects the screw. And the red circle represents the screws.
Flip the laptop such that the base of the laptop should face you. Remove the rubber covering with help of any sharp pointed object and then unscrew the screw.
Step 2
- Using a plastic opening tool or the spudger to separate the keyboard from the frame of the laptop.
- Gently lower the keyboard towards you to expose the wires attached beneath.
Using a plastic opening tool or the spudger to separate the keyboard from the frame of the laptop.
Gently lower the keyboard towards you to expose the wires attached beneath.
Step 3
- Lift the black flap in the left black rectangle and pull the blue ribbon gently towards you until it is disconnected.
- Lift the white flap in the right black rectangle and pull the blue ribbon towards you until it is disconnected.
Lift the black flap in the left black rectangle and pull the blue ribbon gently towards you until it is disconnected.
Lift the white flap in the right black rectangle and pull the blue ribbon towards you until it is disconnected.
Step 4
- Lift keyboard slightly and remove the strip gently so is not damaging any parts . The tape has no function other than to keep the wire tucked away.
Lift keyboard slightly and remove the strip gently so is not damaging any parts . The tape has no function other than to keep the wire tucked away.
Step 5
- Keyboard is now detached from the laptop and can be placed to the side.
Keyboard is now detached from the laptop and can be placed to the side.
Step 6
- Remove the two screws indicated by the red circles.
- Using fingers or the spudger, slide out the black connector indicated by the orange rectangle on the left.
- Undo the black tape indicated by the middle orange rectangle from the frame of the laptop
Remove the two screws indicated by the red circles.
Using fingers or the spudger, slide out the black connector indicated by the orange rectangle on the left.
Undo the black tape indicated by the middle orange rectangle from the frame of the laptop
Step 7
- Gently remove speakers.
Gently remove speakers.
Step 8
- For both parts indicated in the photo by the red rectangles, lift the black flaps and gently pull the strip out. Set the strip aside. Note the shape that this wire strip is resting at and that the blue tip of the strip goes into the right connector for reassembly.
For both parts indicated in the photo by the red rectangles, lift the black flaps and gently pull the strip out. Set the strip aside. Note the shape that this wire strip is resting at and that the blue tip of the strip goes into the right connector for reassembly.
Step 9
- Remove screw shown by red circle on the right.
- Use your fingers to pull the white tab out of the black slot above the battery, shown by the orange rectangle.
Remove screw shown by red circle on the right.
Use your fingers to pull the white tab out of the black slot above the battery, shown by the orange rectangle.
Step 10
- Gently remove battery.
Gently remove battery.
Step 11
Bluetooth and Wireless Card
- Using a spudger, remove the white and black cables from the card as indicated by the red circles in the pictures.
Using a spudger, remove the white and black cables from the card as indicated by the red circles in the pictures.
Step 12
- Remove screw from card.
Remove screw from card.
Step 13
- Gently remove card at the angle it is resting at.
Gently remove card at the angle it is resting at.
Step 14
- Remove the 3 screws around the fan, indicated by red circles in the picture.
- Using your fingers or the spudger, disconnect the cable connecting the fan to the motherboard. The connector is indicated by the orange rectangle in the picture.
Remove the 3 screws around the fan, indicated by red circles in the picture.
Using your fingers or the spudger, disconnect the cable connecting the fan to the motherboard. The connector is indicated by the orange rectangle in the picture.
Step 15
- Gently remove fan.
Gently remove fan.
Step 16
- Using your fingers or spudger, pull out the connector in the red rectangle.
Using your fingers or spudger, pull out the connector in the red rectangle.
Step 17
- Pull up on black strip in top left orange rectangle to remove the monitor cord.
- Remove the 1 screw on the right from the sensor board as indicated by the red circle.
- Remove the 3 screws from the mother board as indicated by the red circles.
Pull up on black strip in top left orange rectangle to remove the monitor cord.
Remove the 1 screw on the right from the sensor board as indicated by the red circle.
Remove the 3 screws from the mother board as indicated by the red circles.
Step 18
- Gently remove motherboard.
Gently remove motherboard.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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Kevin Piper
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USF Tampa, Team 17-2, Watkins Winter 2015
Member of USF Tampa, Team 17-2, Watkins Winter 2015
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martindoerflinger - Jan 4, 2016
Can someone just explain for what the sensor board is needed?
Jeff Briedwell - Apr 18, 2016
Let’s the motherboard know when the lid is closed.
Stefan - Aug 4, 2016
Hi! How do you start a chrome book from motherboard? Since I am doing a project I need help with that question…. Please send a mail with the explanation on my mail: steffe010929@gmail.con
david saldivias - Aug 16, 2017
hope some one is still maintaining this site, i would like to know if i would be able to use a motherboard from another HP chromebook in the same product line for example if i have a motherboard from the 14-q010dx can i swap it with the motherboard from the 14-q010nr? thevet82@gmail.com