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                          5 minutes            



  • CD Drive
  • 7 steps



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What you need

Step 1

              CD Drive               
  • Make sure that you are wearing your anti-static wristband. This will prevent damaging any internal parts with any built up static electricity.
  • Unscrew the 10.5mm screw on the left of the desktop using your hand.
  • If it is too tight you may use a torx-head screwdriver or a flat-head screwdriver.

Make sure that you are wearing your anti-static wristband. This will prevent damaging any internal parts with any built up static electricity.

Unscrew the 10.5mm screw on the left of the desktop using your hand.

If it is too tight you may use a torx-head screwdriver or a flat-head screwdriver.


Step 2

  • Remove the side panel by sliding it towards the back of the desktop and pulling up on it as shown.

Remove the side panel by sliding it towards the back of the desktop and pulling up on it as shown.

Step 3

  • For the next step, remove the CD drive power cable.

For the next step, remove the CD drive power cable.

Step 4

  • Reorient the device with the front pointing away from you.
  • Next, remove the SATA interface cable. It is directly next to the power cable on the CD drive.

Reorient the device with the front pointing away from you.

Next, remove the SATA interface cable. It is directly next to the power cable on the CD drive.

Step 5

  • Now pull up and swing the mounting lever in. The lever closest to the front mounts the top drive slot, and the lever farther away mounts the bottom one.

Now pull up and swing the mounting lever in. The lever closest to the front mounts the top drive slot, and the lever farther away mounts the bottom one.

Step 6

  • Now stand your desktop up and remove the 3 clips on the right side of the front panel.
  • Then pull the front panel off, pulling from the side that the clips are on.

Now stand your desktop up and remove the 3 clips on the right side of the front panel.

Then pull the front panel off, pulling from the side that the clips are on.

Step 7

  • Now you can pull the CD drive straight out of the casing!

Now you can pull the CD drive straight out of the casing!

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                                      with 5 other contributors 

                    Yoav Rosenberg                     

Member since: 10/01/2015

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                       Cal Poly, Team 5-9, Maness Fall 2015                        

                                                  Member of Cal Poly, Team 5-9, Maness Fall 2015 


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