



Time Required

                          5 minutes            



  • Lower Case
  • 4 steps
  • RAM
  • 3 steps



  • BackHP Envy Touchsmart m6-k022dx

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What you need

Step 1

              Lower Case               
  • There are 12 phillips head screws which need to be unscrewed before removing the backplate of the laptop.

There are 12 phillips head screws which need to be unscrewed before removing the backplate of the laptop.


Step 2

  • Next, use a size PH1 Philips head screw driver to remove the screws.

Next, use a size PH1 Philips head screw driver to remove the screws.

Step 3

  • Then, use a prying tool to help uncouple the backplate.

Then, use a prying tool to help uncouple the backplate.

Step 4

  • Finally, use both hands to lift up and take off the back plate of the computer.

Finally, use both hands to lift up and take off the back plate of the computer.

Step 5

  • The RAM sticks are located in the right upper corner of the laptop of the laptop.

The RAM sticks are located in the right upper corner of the laptop of the laptop.

Step 6

  • There are two clips holding each RAM stick in place; one on each side of each stick.
  • Gently pull each clips outwards, away from the RAM sticks. They will easily unclip from the RAM.

There are two clips holding each RAM stick in place; one on each side of each stick.

Gently pull each clips outwards, away from the RAM sticks. They will easily unclip from the RAM.

Step 7

  • Grab the top of the RAM stick and pull directly up, towards the outer edge of the laptop.
  • The RAM sticks will slide out from their slots relatively easily. They are now ready to be replaced.

Grab the top of the RAM stick and pull directly up, towards the outer edge of the laptop.

The RAM sticks will slide out from their slots relatively easily. They are now ready to be replaced.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                    Anthony Stubbs                     

Member since: 04/06/2017

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                       USF Tampa, Team S13-G6, Cagle Spring 2017                        

                                                  Member of USF Tampa, Team S13-G6, Cagle Spring 2017 


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