Time Required
15 - 30 minutes
- Battery
- 9 steps
- Hard Disk Drive
- 3 steps
- Keyboard
- 22 steps
- Screen
- 6 steps
BackHP Envy Ultrabook 4-1015dx
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What you need
Step 1
- Make sure that the device is turned off and that all external devices are removed.
Make sure that the device is turned off and that all external devices are removed.
Step 2
- Flip the device over so that the back plate is facing upwards.
Flip the device over so that the back plate is facing upwards.
Step 3
- Using a small (size 0) Phillips head screwdriver, remove the twelve 5.5 mm external Phillips head screws that connect the back plate to the device.
- Make sure to set the screws aside in a safe place so that you do not lose them, as they will be needed to reattach the backplate later.
Using a small (size 0) Phillips head screwdriver, remove the twelve 5.5 mm external Phillips head screws that connect the back plate to the device.
Make sure to set the screws aside in a safe place so that you do not lose them, as they will be needed to reattach the backplate later.
Step 4
- Using the plastic opening tool, gently pry off the back plate from the device.
Using the plastic opening tool, gently pry off the back plate from the device.
Step 5
- The large black box with the white warning images is the battery.
- Move the ribbon cable so that it is no longer on top of the battery.
The large black box with the white warning images is the battery.
Move the ribbon cable so that it is no longer on top of the battery.
Step 6
- Using a small (size 0) Phillips head screwdriver, remove the three 3.5 mm Phillips head internal screws that hold the battery in place.
- Make sure not to lose these internal screws; they will later be used to reattach the battery.
Using a small (size 0) Phillips head screwdriver, remove the three 3.5 mm Phillips head internal screws that hold the battery in place.
Make sure not to lose these internal screws; they will later be used to reattach the battery.
Step 7
- Lift up the battery and remove it from the slot as shown.
Lift up the battery and remove it from the slot as shown.
Step 8
- Use the plastic opening tool to disconnect the battery cable.
Use the plastic opening tool to disconnect the battery cable.
Step 9
- Lift up the battery and remove it from the device.
Lift up the battery and remove it from the device.
Step 10
Hard Disk Drive
- The hard disk drive is under a metallic looking case in the bottom-right corner of the device.
- Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the four 3 mm size 0 screws attaching the hard drive casing to the device.
The hard disk drive is under a metallic looking case in the bottom-right corner of the device.
Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the four 3 mm size 0 screws attaching the hard drive casing to the device.
Step 11
- Remove the hard drive case.
Remove the hard drive case.
Step 12
- Unplug the hard drive from the hard drive plug.
Unplug the hard drive from the hard drive plug.
Step 13
- After removing the hard drive, you now must remove the motherboard. Start by pulling out the ribbon cable that attaches the touch pad to the motherboard.
After removing the hard drive, you now must remove the motherboard. Start by pulling out the ribbon cable that attaches the touch pad to the motherboard.
Step 14
- Using the plastic opening tool, pry out the small chip next to the touch pad that is attached via ribbon cable to the motherboard. Make sure to pry from the side that only has one small black bump, rather than the side that has two.
- The chip should be located underneath the ribbon cables, which is reflected in the first image.
Using the plastic opening tool, pry out the small chip next to the touch pad that is attached via ribbon cable to the motherboard. Make sure to pry from the side that only has one small black bump, rather than the side that has two.
The chip should be located underneath the ribbon cables, which is reflected in the first image.
Step 15
- Using the plastic opening tool, flip up the clasp for the ribbon cable connecting the keyboard to the motherboard and then unplug the ribbon cable.
Using the plastic opening tool, flip up the clasp for the ribbon cable connecting the keyboard to the motherboard and then unplug the ribbon cable.
Step 16
- Using the plastic spudger, disconnect the hard drive plug from the motherboard.
Using the plastic spudger, disconnect the hard drive plug from the motherboard.
Step 17
- Now, remove the LAN adapter. Peel back the black plastic cover so that the LAN adapter is visible.
Now, remove the LAN adapter. Peel back the black plastic cover so that the LAN adapter is visible.
Step 18
- Pull off the two cables from the LAN adapter.
Pull off the two cables from the LAN adapter.
Step 19
- Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the two metallic 3 mm Phillips head screws.
- Once the screws are removed, the LAN adapter should pop up. Pull out the LAN adapter from its socket.
Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the two metallic 3 mm Phillips head screws.
Once the screws are removed, the LAN adapter should pop up. Pull out the LAN adapter from its socket.
Step 20
- Use plastic spudger to remove black and red wire from the socket.
Use plastic spudger to remove black and red wire from the socket.
Step 21
- Using plastic spudger, disconnect power connector.
Using plastic spudger, disconnect power connector.
Step 22
- Disconnect display panel cable by pulling on black tab to unplug the cable from the socket
Disconnect display panel cable by pulling on black tab to unplug the cable from the socket
Step 23
- Using the plastic opening tool, flip up the clasp on the power button cable and unplug the power button cable from the socket.
Using the plastic opening tool, flip up the clasp on the power button cable and unplug the power button cable from the socket.
Step 24
- Remove clasp beneath the headphone port.
- Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the 3 mm size 0 Phillips head screw that attaches the clasp to the device.
- Then, take off the clasp.
Remove clasp beneath the headphone port.
Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the 3 mm size 0 Phillips head screw that attaches the clasp to the device.
Then, take off the clasp.
Step 25
- Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the two 3 mm size 0 screws attaching the motherboard to the device.
Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the two 3 mm size 0 screws attaching the motherboard to the device.
Step 26
- Remove the fan.
- Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the 3 mm size 0 screw attaching the fan to the device.
- Pull the fan out of the slot and, using the plastic opening tool, unplug the connector cable from the socket.
Remove the fan.
Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the 3 mm size 0 screw attaching the fan to the device.
Pull the fan out of the slot and, using the plastic opening tool, unplug the connector cable from the socket.
Step 27
- Unplug the cable attaching the keyboard to the motherboard.
Unplug the cable attaching the keyboard to the motherboard.
Step 28
- Remove the subwoofer.
- Using plastic opening tool, remove the red and black subwoofer cable.
- Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the two 3 mm size 0 screws attaching the subwoofer to the device.
Remove the subwoofer.
Using plastic opening tool, remove the red and black subwoofer cable.
Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the two 3 mm size 0 screws attaching the subwoofer to the device.
Step 29
- Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the 3 mm size 0 screw attaching the charging port clasp to the device.
- Remove the charging port clasp.
Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the 3 mm size 0 screw attaching the charging port clasp to the device.
Remove the charging port clasp.
Step 30
- Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the 3 mm size 0 screw attaching the black claspto the device.
- Remove the black clasp.
Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the 3 mm size 0 screw attaching the black claspto the device.
Remove the black clasp.
Step 31
- Lift up the motherboard and the power cable off of the device and place them to the side.
Lift up the motherboard and the power cable off of the device and place them to the side.
Step 32
- Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the four 3 mm size 0 screws securing the hinges to the device.
- Lift up the hinges off of the keyboard.
Use a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver to remove the four 3 mm size 0 screws securing the hinges to the device.
Lift up the hinges off of the keyboard.
Step 33
- Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove all of the 3 mm size 0 screws attaching the keyboard to the device.
Using a size 0 Phillips head screwdriver, remove all of the 3 mm size 0 screws attaching the keyboard to the device.
Step 34
- Lift up and remove the keyboard from the device.
Lift up and remove the keyboard from the device.
Step 35
- On the bottom corners of the screen are two plastic covers. Pry these off using the plastic spudger
- Remove the two 3 mm size 0 Phillips screws on the left and right.
On the bottom corners of the screen are two plastic covers. Pry these off using the plastic spudger
Remove the two 3 mm size 0 Phillips screws on the left and right.
Step 36
- Pry open the plastic bezel around the screen using the plastic opening tool.
- There is two sided tape that holds the bezel on.
Pry open the plastic bezel around the screen using the plastic opening tool.
There is two sided tape that holds the bezel on.
Step 37
- Remove the four 4.0 mm Phillips screws located at each corner of the screen using a Phillips #1 screwdriver.
Remove the four 4.0 mm Phillips screws located at each corner of the screen using a Phillips #1 screwdriver.
Step 38
- Remove the screen by pulling the metal tab at the top.
Remove the screen by pulling the metal tab at the top.
Step 39
- Disconnect the forty pin display connector located on thee backside of the bottom of the screen.
Disconnect the forty pin display connector located on thee backside of the bottom of the screen.
Step 40
- Remove the screen from the socket.
Remove the screen from the socket.
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UMass Dartmouth, Team S1-G3, Valliere Fall 2018
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